Knapp's Relational Model - Stagnation
In Knapp's relational model, I can relate most to the "stagnation" phase. I recently ended a three and a half year relationship with my son's father. The stagnation phase really stuck out to me because the main reason I stayed in the relationship was because of my son. In the stagnation stage, communication becomes more limited and the spouse can often feel trapped. Also, people will stay in a relationship because of children or other "unavoidable reasons." I had gotten to the point in the relationship that I wasn't happy, but I didn't want my son to grow up in a broken home. I felt trapped, like I was going to be unhappy and miserable for the rest of my life. My boyfriend and I weren't communicating about deep topics, we mainly talked about surface levels things and our son. Most days I felt like we were roommates and not in an actual romantic relationship. I spent most of the relationship in the stagnation stage. I found two ...